Canstruction Jr. Competition

The 2024 Memphis Canstruction Jr. competition will be held at the University Center on the University of Memphis Main campus on November 8, 2024. Schools are limited to one team and may only submit one entry. The competition will involve design (in Tinkercad) and construction of a structure built of canned food. The goal of the competition is to engage students in a design challenge while benefiting people in need in our community. This year, create a design that showcases something in our community that your team thinks is worth celebrating!

Canstruction Jr. Website:

Buckman STEM Essay Competition

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields are of critical importance to the West Tennessee region. The economy of the region is largely dependent on industry, advances, and a skilled workforce in STEM. The West Tennessee STEM Hub in partnership with Buckman is hosting the sixth annual West Tennessee STEM Essay competition for all regional middle and high school students. The competition will provide a forum for students to share the impact of STEM on their lives and community, and it will promote greater regional awareness of the need for more students to pursue STEM professions.

Competition Packet: 2023 Buckman STEM Essay Competition Packet

Please register using the following link: 2023 Buckman STEM Essay Registration