Upcoming events.


Canstruction Jr. Competition

Canstruction® is a competition that engages participants in structural design while also allowing them to make a significant positive impact on hunger in their local community. We are also excited to announce that the competition will involve design in Tinkercad of a structure built of canned food. The design must be detailed with specific can/label information. The spirit of the event will remain unchanged, with the goal of engaging students in a design challenge while benefiting people in need in our community.

Registration is now open! https://bit.ly/3u1rGwn

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After School STEM - Computer Science Teaching Strategies: An Interactive Workshop

University of Memphis (Main Campus)

Come on an exciting journey with CodeCrew as we explore effective ways to teach computer science. Join our interactive workshop for a series of scenarios with hands-on activities and lively group discussions, where we'll share practical insights around computer science and how to make computational thinking skills more understandable in your classroom.  Space is limited, so register today!  https://bit.ly/3S8fvqT

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After School STEM Session - Robotics

Join us for an exciting session with Professor Dan Kohn, Robotics Education Director for the West TN STEM Hub, as he shares information about this year's robotics competition season, with a special focus on events taking place in West TN.  He will also discuss support for various robotics platforms and additional training opportunities this year!

Registration Link: https://memphis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkd-2prDIuE9fSdrg6X3cL4P0Oj51lkcV-

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