Anatomy Kits: Lending Library Spotlight
The Lending Library is filled with kits of many different types for Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering. Because Biology is one of the fundamental sciences, the West Tennessee STEM Hub sets out to have kits on hand to stimulate curiosity. One of our amazing Biology kits is our Learning Resources Human Anatomy Models. The Lending Library contains Anatomy models to help students better understand the organization of the human body.
Each kit focuses on a different part of the body and has pieces that are able to be taken apart. The students can be given the opportunity to take out and then rebuild the system of the body. The Anatomy Model Body gives students opportunity to understand where vital organs go and how systems interact. The Anatomy Model Brain is a great way to see the different parts and functions of the brain. The Anatomy Model Heart is how students can visualize the left and right ventricles of one of the most important organs. Finally, the Anatomy Model Skeleton can help students be able to identify all the bones in the skeletal system.
All the models come with facts, step-by-step photo-illustrated assembly instructions, and a display stand so that students can build the models and show off their newfound knowledge. These wonderful kits are ready and waiting for teachers and Ambassadors to use them. Feel free to put in a reservation by clicking the buttons below!